Intent for the Purchase of a Cargo Ship
Kimlik iste 9161
Kategori Diğer
Yapım Yılı 2000...2020
Price $500,000...$650,000
Eklenme tarihi iste 2025-03-25
Tarafından eklendi Sebastião Paulo (PETROBUILD - COMERCIO E SERVIÇOS LDA)
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Intent for the Purchase of a Cargo Ship
Dear Sirs,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Ernesto dos Santos, and I represent Petrobuild - Comércio e Serviços Lda, an Angolan company specializing in the trade and distribution of fuels, mining management, and providing services in the oil & gas sector. Through this letter, we are formally expressing our interest in acquiring a multifunctional coastal vessel, according to the specifications below:
- Capacity: Approximately 1,000 tons
- Dimensions: Length between 50-70 meters
- Draft: Maximum of 4 meters
- Propulsion: Economical diesel engine, with power between 1,500-3,000 HP
- Autonomy: Ability to travel long distances without frequent refueling
- Year of Manufacture: Preferably between 2000 and 2015
- Condition: New or used, but in good structural condition and with regularized documentation
- Additional Equipment: Cargo crane to facilitate loading and unloading operations in ports with limited infrastructure
The budget available for this purchase ranges from USD 675,000 to USD 900,000 (six hundred thousand US dollars), and we are open to considering proposals within this price range.
If you have a vessel that meets these specifications, we kindly request that you send us detailed technical information, including photographs, maintenance history, structural condition, records, and any other relevant documents for evaluation.
We are available for negotiations and to schedule a technical visit to the vessel, if necessary.
We look forward to your response and thank you in advance for your attention.
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